The implementation of special operation to prevent and control drugs named Operation 39/24 is being carried out, according to the message sent by Lt. General Yar Pyae, the Chairman of the CCDAC Myanmar and Minister of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
In 2023, a slight increase in poppy cultivation in Myanmar, and in order to reduce the production of poppy cultivation, during the poppy planting season, the Tatmadaw, the police organize the local ethnic people to participate in cooperation with related departments, according to the message.

And also 6181 acres of poppy fields were destroyed during the last poppy growing season.
The message also stated that despite the success of the prevention and suppression activities, in order to effectively punish the main culprits who were arrested, and because some of the culprits were found to be committing crimes again after being released from punishment, the assets obtained from drug crimes will be effectively confiscated as public funds.