The Yangon Region Private Transport Supervisory Committee (YRTC) had awarded over Ks. 700 million to the winners of the 2024 YBS Model Driver Award, Responsible Driver Award, and Good Service Driver Award chosen by the public through social media, said U Lyan Cin Mang, Joint Secretary of the YRTC.
The award ceremony was held on the morning of February 21 at the YRTC headquarters conference hall. In the award ceremony, awards were given to 48 drivers Ks.600,000 for one Model Driver Award, 148 drivers Ks.300,000 for one Responsible Driver Award and one driver 300,000 kyats for one Good Service Driver Award chosen by the public through social media.
The Model Driver Awards were won by 9 people from YUPT, 5 from YBPC, 3 from Bandoola, 4 from Ludu Madeswe, 2 from OMNI FOCUS, 5 from Kit Thit Bayintnaung, 3 from Shwe Taung Pine, 1 from Konbaung Yangon, 1 from Amyintmyatsone In Arr , 2 from Taikkyithar, 2 from GYTC, 1 from RCBT, 1 from San Wai La, 2 from TRANS LINK, 1 from Shwe Pyi Thar Thar, 1 from Transport Star, 2 from Thet Yin Aung, and 3 from Pyi San Thu, totaling 48 winners.
The Responsible Driver Awards were won by 7 from YUPT, 31 from YBPC, 37 from Bandoola, 7 from OMNI FOCUS, 1 from Ludu Madeswe, 19 from Bayintnaung, 17 from Konbaung Yangon, 2 from Amyintmyatsone In Arr, 6 from Power Eleven, 4 from TRANS LINK, 2 from Shwe Pyi Thar Thar, 2 from Shwe Lann Khinn, 8 from Thet Yin Aung, and 5 from Pyi San Thu, totalling 148 winners.
In honoring awards, the selection was made by a board based on the following factors such as those who have violated any of the 138 regulations issued by the YRTC, those who have no violation records by the Yangon Traffic Control Center and Yangon Bus Operator (YBO), Drivers with YRTC ID cards, drivers with at least 1 year of experience in the company, those who have the most working days and the working hours, Those who have no criminal records.