The Thai side has disconnected Thai phone lines and internet lines in the town of Three Pagodas in Kya-in Seikkyi Township, Kayin State, on the Thai-Myanmar border, according to the local residents.
The mobile phone line of Thai SIM card AIS 12 Call was cut off on February 21 and those of Dtac and True Mov on February 25. How long it will last is not yet clear.

Currently, some local residents living in Three Pagodas said that they are mainly using the Myanmar SIM card ATOM in Three Pagodas. In addition to the phone lines and internet lines, the Thai side has also stopped providing electricity supply to the area, which causes a shutdown of some menagable-scale businesses. This could lead to more unemployment and cause difficulties for people using the internet to make cash transfers and payments, some residents said.
According to the local residents, the Thai side has cut off electricity supply to the border towns of Myawady, Three Pagodas, Shwekokko and Tachilek since February 5th to crack down on online scamming activities.