A five-year-old child died because of food poisoning at Nanattaung village in Myaungmya township, Ayayawaddy Region after four member of family eating globe-fish curry, said Aye Mya Phu Sin( Zivita Dana) Blood Donor Association.

The family members suffered food poisoning after vomiting from eating globe-fish curry on February 4 evening and a five-year-old child died as it was difficult to hospitalize him immediately. Other people suffering food poisoning were transported to Myangmya General People Hospital Emergency Ward in the later day by Aye Mya Phu Sin( Zivita Dana) Blood Donor Association, said a responsible person from the Association.
Currently, the family members of the food poisoning victim are still in a critical condition and responsible persons in the hospital are reportedly trying their best to treat them.