The Rakhine State government will provide solar lanterns to students taking the university entrance exam in Rakhine State, according to the Rakhine State Education Department. Eight examination centers have been opened in Rakhine State for the 2025 university entrance exam including four in Sittway, two in Kyaukpyu Township and two in Manaung Township.

The government has made arrangements to ensure that students could peacefully take the exam in the state, Dr Tun Tun Thein, head of Rakhine State Education Department, said. On March 5, Rakhine State Chief Minister U Htin Lin met with the supervisors, assistant supervisors and exam room invigilators of the 2025 university entrance exam centers and instructed them to take measures to ensure that the university entrance exam is held peacefully and successfully.
The number of students who will sit for the exam in various examination centers is 699 in Sittway Township, 834 in Kyaukpyu Township and 564 in Manaung Township. Last year, more than 18,000 students sat for the university entrance examination and out of 5,253 who passed, 1,303 were with the flying colours.