The State Administration Council enacted the Private Security Service Law on February 18, which stipulates a prison sentence of one to three years and a fine for anyone who establishes a private security service without a license. It is stated that private security service operator will have to apply for a license in accordance with the requirements within six months from the date of enactment of this law.
In addition, it is stipulated that those who employed more than 10 private security servants for their own business or subsidiary before the enactment of this law must apply for a permit in accordance with the requirements within six months from the date of enactment of this law. Applicants for private security service must be companies registered under the Myanmar Companies Law and must submit an application to the relevant Region and State Supervisory Committee for Private Security Service submitting the requirements. Those who do not provide private security service but want to employ more than 10 private security servants for their own business or subsidiary must apply for a permit from the relevant supervisory committee. The provision also states that the license holder must obtain permission from the Supervisory Central Committee for Private Security Service to carry weapons, ammunition and equipment as required and comply with the existing laws regarding arms and ammunition when operating a private security service.
It is prohibited that anyone who establishes and operates a private security service without a license will be sentenced to a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years in prison and a fine of up to Ks. 10 million, while a company or organization will be fined a minimum of Ks.100 million and a maximum of Ks. 300 million.The provision also states that anyone who hires more than 10 private security servants for their own business or subsidiary without a permit can be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year, a fine of from Ks.10 million to Ks. 50 million or both. The Private Security Service Law stipulates that the offenses in the newly enacted law are defined as crimes that the police have the right to take action.