More than Ks.544 million loans have been conducted for the small and medium enterprises(SMEs) under the SME Two-Step Loan Project up to the end of December 2024, said Deputy Minister for Ministry of Planning and Finance U Min Htut.

SME Two-Step Loan Project Phase 1 was implemented in the 2015-2016 Financial Year and Phase 2, in the 2018-2019 Financial Year. Under Phase 1, Ks.157.243 billion had been disbursed to 663 SME entrepreneurs through relevant six banks as of December 2024 and under Phase II, Ks. 387.543 billion had been provided for 1,963 entrepreneurs through 11 banks at the end of December 2024, he added.
U Htut also Min urged them to manage fully repayment of loan and grant systematically new loans in line with policies, rules and regulations.