Plum farmers in Magway Township reported that this year’s plum harvest has been good and that trading in the market is also quite good.
As the weather conditions were favorable this year, the yield was good and the prices were good as well, Ko Kyi haung, a plum farmer in the township, said.Plums are sold in three types: fresh, dried, and goat-eaten plums.

A basket of fresh plums is sold for 10,000 kyats, that of ripe and dried plums for 12,000 kyats to 15,000 and that of goat-eaten plums for 45,000 kyats to 50,000, U Aung Maung, a plum trader and miller in Magway, said.
Mill operators sell the plum powder to animal feed manufacturing companies and chopped plums as fuel. The plum pellets are exported to China through the Mandalay market. The fluctuation of prices in the plum market depends on China’s demand.