People who want to get jobs as new seafarers are facing difficulties to join ships as the service fee, locally known as brokerage fee, for agents is so high, according to the local world of maritime employment .
In the local world of maritime employment, the brokerage fee is paid to agents, and not only new seafarers but also experienced seafarers have to pay the fee. Currently, the fee for a new seafarer ranges from at least US$3,000 to 6,000.
A new seafarer’s basic salary when he first joins a ship is only about US$150, but if he works on a ship that requires overtime and other extra work, he can earn more than US$500 to 600 a month. Therefore, new seafarers are being warned to be careful about what they borrow money with interest rate to be able to get the job, especially when it comes to paying high brokerage fees of agents, Captain Soe Min Aung, chairman of the Myanmar Seafarers Federation.
When the brokerage fees are high and the salary for a new seafarer is low, those who borrow money from outside sources to be able to join ships can be stuck in a cycle of debt for years, a family member of a new seafarer said.
According to the International Maritime Organization, there is a global demand of about 300,000 maritime crew. New seafarers in Myanmar need to have English language skills and if they meet the qualifications employers want, there are job opportunities, Captain Soe Min Aung said.
There are over 130,000 registered seafarers in Myanmar, but only about 50,000 are currently working on ships. The remaining 50,000 have retired from the maritime world, and more than 30,000 are unemployed.