The manual registration system must be used when seven agricultural foodstuffs are registered at General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC) to export from Myanmar to China, according to Myanmar Trade Promotion Organization.
The commodity groups to apply through manual registration system include coffee seed and cocoa seed, fresh vegetable, spice, edible seeds, pulses and beans, oil seed and animals and plants used in Chinese traditional medicine. Previously, these seven commodity groups had been handled by China Import Food Enterprise Registration (CIFER) under GACC. Currently, these seven commodity groups will be handled by China Department of Animal and Plant Quarantine, so the registration of these seven commodity groups must be done manually.
In processing of registration for these seven commodity groups through manual registration system, the companies are not permitted to do on their own therfore must apply through relevant organizations. Agricultural products must be applied to the Myanmar Department of Agriculture.As the applications can only be made by the relevant officials, it can be sent via letter or e-mail as well as the application must be sent through the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar and the Myanmar Embassy in China.