The Department of Urban and Housing Development said that the remaining 88 apartment units of Thilawa Housing in Thanlyin Township in Yangon Region will be sold with a low interest rate of housing loan. The remaining five-storey buildings, with each floor having 6 rooms (61) rooms and five-storey buildings, with each floor having 8 rooms (27 rooms), totalling (88 rooms) will be sold with low interest rate loan system in January.
Those included in the list of (1,891) people who have deposited more than Ks. 30,000,000 on December 31, 2023 in The Construction, Housing, and Infrastructure Development Bank (CHID Bank) can apply for registration through DUHD Sale Housing Facebook Page Messenger of the Department of Urban and Housing Development.
Applications through Messenger will be accepted from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from January 20 to 24 and among the applicants, the earliest 88 applicants will be allowed to draw the lots in order to follow the CHID Bank’s list. The drawing lots will be practiced on January 28, and the person who gets a chance to buy a room must inevitably take out a housing loan.