Corn has been gaining higher price than previous year in Magway market, according to maize traders in Magway. Only two main types of maize are traded in the market, sweet corn and glutinous corn, with one ear of corn fetches the prices ranging from Ks. 500 to Ks. 600.
Corn trader U Kyaw Shwe said that one ear of corn gained Ks. 250 in the previous year but in this year the price was higher.

It is said that sweet corn sells quicker than glutinous corn in the market. This is the time when the maize is abundantly harvested in the alluvial areas like Myaynu Kyun, Yenangyaung, Taungdwingyi, Salin, and Pwint Phyu in Magway Region. This year, corn is getting a good price, and corn farmers are also reporting a good yield.