The State Administration Council (SAC) Information Team released that 200 Chinese citizens involved in online scam, online gambling and other criminal activities in Myawaddy-Shwe Kokko and KK Park in Myanmar-Thai border have been extradited relevant countries through Thailand.

They were systematically extradited relevant countries through Thailand on February 20 morning in accordance with the law and procedures, with a view to humanitarian considerations and friendly relations between countries. According to the confessions, most of them arrived from China in Bangkok, Thailand, and then in Mae Sot, a town on the Myanmar-Thailand border, where they were illegally brought across the Thaungyin River by online fraud agents.

Up to now, from January 30 to February 19, 1553 illegal migrant foreigners were identified and measures and taken to speedy extradition, according to statement. On January 6, 61 foreigners including 39 Chinese citizens who were victims of forced human trafficking were identified and transferred to Thailand through Myawaddy Myanmar Thai Friendship Bridge.