31 dead bodies were found up to January 16 morning, in a mudslide at a jade mining block near Spott village, Seikmu village track, Hpakant township, Kachin State, according to Myanmar Social Rescue Organization Hpakant township committee.
Now, the searching operations for lost persons and removing debris and mud near the houses in the mudslide area were was ended. Currently, the mudslide area covered with mud was allowed to pass.
A mudslide occurred in a jade mining block near Spott village, Seikmu village tract, Hpakant township, Kachin State on January 13 early in the morning, due to the explosion of mud underneath and over 50 houses were buried. In July 2020, as the highest death toll in Phakant area more than 190 people died because of landslide in a mining block at Whaykha village.